Assignment 2

In the second assignment, we are going to use a large language model in a retrieval-augmented setup. As an application, we are going to consider a question answering task.

You can use any LLMs you want in this assignment, but your solution must consider at least one open model (e.g. Mistral or one of the Llama models). Optionally, you may compare to a commercial model.

Please implement the steps described below in a Jupyter notebook. The notebook should contain text cells with brief explanations of what you are doing and why. You should also include your evaluation scores in the text cells. Deadline: 31 May.

The dataset

The dataset we will use in this assignment is a simplified version of Natural Questions, which was compiled by Google and consists of real search engine queries about factual questions.

Download the assignment dataset here. Then load the file using Pandas as follows:

nq_data = pd.read_csv('nq_simplified.val.tsv', sep='\t', header=None, names=['question', 'answer', 'gold_context'], quoting=3)

There are three columns: the question, the answer, and part of a Wikipedia page.

Step 1: Evaluating an LLM on Natural Questions

Load an LLM and explore different prompting strategies to try to make it answer the questions in the dataset. As a benchmark, you can use the ROUGE-1 precision/recall/F1 scores.

def rouge1(gold, predicted):
  assert(len(gold) == len(predicted))
  n_p = 0
  n_g = 0
  n_c = 0
  for g, p in zip(gold, predicted):
    g = set(cleanup(g).strip().split())
    p = set(cleanup(p).strip().split())
    n_g += len(g)
    n_p += len(p)
    n_c += len(p.intersection(g))
  pr = n_c / n_p
  re = n_c / n_g
  if pr > 0 and re > 0:
    f1 = 2*pr*re/(pr + re)
    f1 = 0.0
  return pr, re, f1

def cleanup(text):
  text = text.replace(',', ' ')
  text = text.replace('.', ' ')
  return text

While developing, you should probably just use a small subset of the dataset.

Step 2: An idealized retrieval-augmented LLM

The third column in the dataset (called gold_context above) contains a text fragment from a Wikipedia page, from which the answer can be deduced. Try out new prompts where you include this relevant context. How does this change the evaluation scores?

Step 3: Setting up the retriever

The setup in Step 2 is idealized, because we provided a context from Wikipedia where we know that the answer is avaialable. In real-world settings, this is not going to be the case.

To make this assignment work in Colab, we are going to work with a rather small set of passages. You can download these texts from here. For a given question, we are going to search among these passages to find the best-matching passage.

Representing the passages as vectors

Set up a representation model that maps a text passage to a numerical vector.

For instance, some model from SentenceTransformers, such as all-MiniLM-L6-v2 could be a good choice.

Apply this model to all text passages.

Storing the passage vectors in a database

We now create a vector database that allows us to search efficiently for the neareast neighbors in the vector space of a given query vector. We recommend the FAISS library for this purpose. You can install it as follows.

!pip install faiss-gpu

To create the vector database, you can use the following code:

import faiss
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(embedded_passages.shape[1])

To search for the nearest neighbor, we simply call search on the previously created database.

_, ix =, 1)

As an example, which is the passage that most closely matches the question where did the first african american air force unit train?

Step 4: Putting the pieces together

For each of the questions in the dataset we used in Steps 1–2, retrieve the best-matching passage from the vector database. Use this passage instead of the gold-standard passages you used in Step 2. Evaluate again.

How does your result compare to those in Steps 1 and 2?

Hint. While you are developing, it might be useful to run the retriever once and for all and store the result.