The course policies state what we expect from you and what you can expect from us.
Communication policy
What we expect from you. This website is the primary source of information about the course, and we expect you to keep yourself up-to-date with what we publish here. We also send out information via the University’s email list for the course, and we expect you to read your email regularly while the course is ongoing.
What you can expect from us. You can contact us in person or via email. When you contact us via email, you can expect an answer within one working day. We do not respond outside of standard working hours (8–17) or on the weekend. If you want to talk to the examiner, you can catch him in class or book an appointment.
Feedback policy
What you can expect from us. We try our best to give you prompt, constructive, and meaningful feedback on how well you meet the knowledge requirements set out for the course. We focus on formative feedback, which you can use to improve your learning (and we can use to improve our teaching!) while the course is ongoing.
What we expect from you. We expect you to take responsibility for your learning and to actively seek our feedback. We also expect you to reflect on our feedback and grasp opportunities to put it to good use.
Academic integrity policy
We expect you to take responsibility for understanding and following standard principles of academic integrity.
What counts as cheating. Every assignment you submit should represent your own intellectual work. You cannot copy solutions from other students or sources, including AI tools like ChatGPT. Conversely, you cannot share your solutions with others, including uploading them to platforms like GitHub. This also applies to partial solutions and includes paraphrasing or obfuscating someone else’s work. Violating these rules is cheating.
How to avoid plagiarism. If you use someone else’s words, code or ideas as part of your own work, you must properly cite them. The citation must clearly identify the source and indicate what part of the assignment was influenced by it. If you use AI tools like ChatGPT in other ways than as a writing aid, you must specify how you prompted the assistant and incorporated its response in your work. Any violation of these rules is plagiarism.
Collaboration guidelines. For individual assignments, collaboration is not allowed unless explicitly stated. For group assignments, we expect all group members to take joint responsibility for the work and adhere to the standards of academic integrity set out in this policy. If you are unsure about acceptable collaboration or have concerns about group dynamics, contact the examiner.
Duty to report. The examiner is duty-bound to report suspected cases of cheating to the University Disciplinary Board. No exceptions exist to this rule, no matter how slight the potential offence. More information on Cheating, Deception and Plagiarism
Special needs policy
We will make every effort to help you learn the course material. If any part of the course is not accessible to you due to challenges with technology or format, please let us know so we can make appropriate accommodations. If you have documented special needs, contact the examiner as soon as possible, in the first week of the course, and do not wait until you require the accommodation. Book an appointment with the examiner