This page extends the study guide with more information about the written exam.
You can find the dates of the exam in the exam search on the student portal. You need to sign up for the exam via Lisam. Sign-up closes ten days before each exam.
For more logistical information about the exam, please visit the student pages on Lisam and/or contact the Exam Service Office.
Format of the Exam
The exam will consist of five sections, one for each topic in the course. Each section will contain tasks and questions that can give you a total of 8 points, meaning that you obtain 40 points in total from the exam. These points will then be mapped onto a grade as follows:
Points | 0–23 | 24–26 | 27–29 | 30–32 | 33–35 | 36–40 |
Grade | F | E | D | C | B | A |
Practice Questions
Here are all the practice questions from the topic pages:
Exam Preparation
Here’s a short video series where I talk you through the practice questions:
I strongly recommend you to try solving the practice questions before watching!