Frequently asked questions
When do I get feedback on my lab?
If you submit your lab by the first due date, you can expect feedback within 5 working days after the deadline. If you submit (or resubmit) your lab later, you can expect feedback within 15 working days after the respective examination date. We do not have the capacity to grade (re)submissions outside of this schedule.
What happens if I miss the first submission date of a lab?
Each lab assignment has its first “due date” in the week after the assignment was released. If you miss this due date, you’re missing out on the chance to get timely feedback and an extra resubmission opportunity, and you will have to wait until the first examination date (2025-03-28) has passed to receive feedback on your assignment.
When do I get my grade?
You can expect to receive your grade in Ladok (and feedback on your submission) within 15 working days after the respective examination date, both for the labs and for the project report.
Why did I get a Fail grade for the labs in Ladok?
After each examination date, if you submitted (or re-submitted) any of the lab assignments for this date, you will receive a grade in Ladok. If you did not pass all the lab assignments, or if you are still missing some of the labs, your grade will be U/Fx (Fail). You can still pass the module by (re)submitting any remaining lab assignments for one of the additional examination dates, which will count as retaking the examination.
Are there any grade penalties if I don’t submit my assignments for the first deadline?
No, there are no grade penalties for later submissions.